why should you not buy any car accessories and part from marketplace like amazon, flipkart, snapdeal
Hello Everyone My name is Guno shah and i think and research very much before writing this blog i am not a blogger actually but i have some thought which is help to you save your money and time. Friends If you have a car and you are looking for car accessories you might be find these accessories at your near local store. Bit it take some times and you have to reserve your spare time for that. Other option is you can buy these accessories online from the online store website. Buy you have to be very careful when you going to purchase online any car accessories and parts because there is no direct coordination with seller most of the time and the comparability of the product to the your car is main issue and you have to spend more time to raise a claim and get refund. 90% of this issue you probably face when you order from amazon, flipkart, ebay and any other marketplaces. So below i am give you the some reason that why you should not buy car accessories from the marketplaces. ...